The second international scientific conference is started at the University of Zakho

Tuesday, 18 April 2017, 00:00

On Tuesday 18th of April, 2017, at 10:00 am, in the presence of Dr. Karim Abdoul, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Esmat Mohammed Khalid, Adviser of the President of the Iraq region, Assist. Prof. Dr. Lazgin Abdi Jamil, President of the University of Zakho, vice president of the scientific and students affairs, deans of the departments and faculties, Members of the second international scientific conference, directors of the governmental offices, a number of members of the parliament in the Kurdistan region, the media, the teachers and the students from the University of Zakho and the guests from outside and inside the Kurdistan region, the Second International Scientific Conference under the motto of the "Zakho: Life, Culture, Civilization", was held at the Conference Hall of the Faculty of Science / University of Zakho.
At the begining, a minute of silence was observed in honour of the martyrs of Kurdistan region and listening to the national anthem of Kurdistan region. Then the speech was delivered by the Assist. Prof. Dr. Lazgin Abdi Jamil, President of the University of Zakho, he welcomed the guests, after that he spoke about the conference and the objectives of organising the conference and expressed a number of the main objectives of the conference, including the holding of scientific memorandums between universities. He also spoke about the effects of the conference, on the "Presenting and Developing the Scientific Level of the University". He concluded his speech by pointing out the opening of new faculties for the next year at the University of Zakho such as (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Basic Education)
. After that, Dr. Karim Abdoul, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, delivered a speech. He expressed his happiness about organising the second international scientific conference at the University of Zakho and said that the University of Zakho is making good strides in the fields of knowledge and science and we are very impressed and delighted about that. Then he pointed out the high-level researchers that present at the conference from inside and outside the region, that was helps us in the development of the scientific process in the Kurdistan region. He concluded his speech in his statement about the University of Zakho "the University of Zakho achieved many goals in a short period of time", and wished them progress and success
. Then Dr. Omar Al-Habib delivered a speech in which he mentioned the stages of organising the conference and during the conference, they take 200 types of research, and 160 types of research were selected from different universities and from 36 countries of the world, to acquaint researchers and strengthen scientific relations. After the Dr. OmarAl- Habib finished his speech, a collection of evidence was presented about the history of the city of Zakho and stages of development
. After the opening ceremony of the conference, scientific sessions were organised for the conference, where a number of researchers presented their research and many constructive discussions were held on the subjects presented by the researchers. It is worth mentioning that the conference will present a range of research in various fields such as environment, history, humanities, petroleum engineering, science, art, education and management.